Le linee contemporanee di GlammFire
La passione per il fuoco dal Portogallo
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Mito Mito
07/09/2010 - Fireplaces have always been seen as the soul of the house. With time the concept of fireplace has evolved, witnessing the arrival of different products that fit into a new lifestyle. No matter how many products, innovations and technologies are created,
developed and transformed, nothing will counteract the relationship we have with fire. At GlammFire we shape fire with a sublime touch of modernity to offer you pleasurable moments and fantastic experiences, by perfect symbiosis between creativity and quality.

The rigorous choice of materials and careful manufacturing are present in each of our decorative fireplaces, with unique design, bold lines and excellent finishings. We finish, but we start again, looking for new concepts and applications that improve our business and satisfy you permanently.

Inaugurated 13th September 2008, in northern Portugal, Monção, GlammFire is the newest company of Group Pachinha. Following the new demands and motivations of the market the Group has decided to create a modern company, for the development and manufacturing of innovative heating and decorative products. The will for greater efficiency, the search for differentiation, achieved by the development of unique products, and the respectful commitment to ecology are present in every detail of GlammFire decorative fireplaces.

Besides being pioneer in its sector in Portugal, GlammFire directs its products to a dynamic global market, featuring the best of Portuguese design. In a concerted strategy of diversification, the broadening of the range and customization of products always follow the needs and consumption patterns of customers.

The passion for fire creates contemporary lines.

The Quality Management and Environment System Certifications, obtained in March 2010, according to the NP EN ISO 9001:2008 and NP EN ISO 14001:2004 norms certify the high quality standards used in product development and manufacturing, as well as the global methodology of the company that secures the confidence of our customers and the demanding respect for the environment.

The prestige and solid posture make GlammFire the first company worldwide, in the bioethanol fireplaces sector, to acquire this double certification.

Mission and Vision
Since its inception, GlammFire has developed and accumulated experience that ensures high quality products to its customers in a development strategy that integrates the concern for environmental preservation. Totally committed to high quality and more ecological fireplaces, the Administration of GlammFire considers the following objectives, as guidelines for the activity of the company:
Aware of environmental problems, GlammFire has implemented a set of measures and best environmental practices to safeguard the rational use of energy resources, reduce emissions and promote an adequate management of waste. The Administration of GlammFire is committed to complying with environmental laws and other applicable environmental regulations, and promotes a work environment where there is not any kind of discrimination, aiming to continuously improve the Quality Management and Environment System.

Inspired by the spirit of layering, Baco proclaims a sophisticated decorative performance.
The details of its creative design, developed with full sensitivity, allow this model to fully engage in a pure relax environment.
Give your spa a new inspiration source.

Technical Characteristics
Materials// lacquered MDF
Burner// 2 liters (liquid bioethanol)
Protection// temperature resistant glass
Dimensions// 1100 w x 376 h x 750 d mm
Weight// 76 Kg
Colors// black, white, red
/CO detector included
Fireplace with mechanical burner in accordance with German Norm DIN 4734

Mito Small
GlammFire has a new Mito.
Inspired by one of the most beautiful models of its "Fire Wonderland" collection, GlammFire has decided to create a new Mito... the Mito Small.
The new model, fashionable and contemporary, adopts the lines of Mito model, presenting more compact and small.
Available in three versions, new Mito Small guarantees excellent adaptability to different environments and enables a seamless interaction between heating and decor.
Try out a different expression of versatility.
Technical Characteristics:
Materials// lacquered steel plate and brushed stainless steel pipes
Burner// 3,5 liters (liquid bioethanol)
Dimensions// 1000 w x 560 h x 308 d mm
Weight// 80,88 Kg
Colors// black, red, cream

/CO detector included
Fireplace with mechanical burner in accordance with German Norm DIN 4734

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