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Ente banditore: Pininfarina
Design Reset: New Dreams for a New World
Concorsi di Design - Italia
Oggetto del bando:
Pininfarina S.p.A., an Italian design and engineering house, has organised an international design contest that challenges students at design and architecture schools and universities to design innovative experiences, with the award of an internship in its design studios in Italy, America and China. Internships will be awarded to the top three contestants
Finalità del concorso:
It is clear to all that we can no longer follow the traditional techniques of considering design issues. Post-Covid19, in the new normal, design must approach the world in a new way. Successful design has always touched human emotion and ignited dreams. Now, for the first time, design also needs to be used to awaken feelings of “support” and “protection”. We have to conceive environments where users can enjoy their own safe private space without feeling isolated from the human connections that they naturally crave. The greatest change of the future is that design can no longer just stimulate people’s feelings but must respond to their feelings and adjust the design of whole environments based on how people are feeling at any given moment. That is why we invite you to “reset”: stop and re-think. In a nutshell, find a new way of considering design in the future.
Tipologia bando: 0100 - CONCORSI  > 0105 - Concorsi di Design
Procedura: a partecipazione aperta
inserito il 22/10/2020
Data scadenza iscrizione:31/03/2021
Data consegna elaborati: 31/03/2021
The winner of each category, selected from a list of finalists, will be awarded a 6-month Internship at Pininfarina’s design studios in Torino, Miami and Shanghai, depending on the type of project.
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