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Ente banditore: Reuse Italy
Reuse the Abbey - Pozzaglia Sabina
Concorsi di progettazione, di idee - (RI) - Italia
Oggetto del bando:
In the green valleys between the municipalities of Orvinio and Pozzaglia Sabina, you can admire the remains of the Ben- edictine Abbey of S. Maria del Piano. The complex, currently in a state of abandonment, dates back to the 11th century, although according to an ancient legend it was erected by Charlemagne in the 8th or 9th century. The abbey grew in importance during the 12th century and, at the beginning of the following century, it was restored; then, its decadence began. Towards the end of the Middle Ages, it was finally abandoned by the monks.
Finalità del concorso:
Participants of this competition are asked to Reuse the Abbey as a meditation center, integrated with facilities.
Tipologia bando: 0100 - CONCORSI  > 0101 - Concorsi di progettazione, di idee
Procedura: a partecipazione aperta
inserito il 24/09/2024
Data scadenza iscrizione:16/01/2025
Data consegna elaborati: 16/01/2025
First Prize: 2500 EUR
Second Prize: 1000 EUR
Third Prize: 500 EUR
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