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Ente banditore: IAKS – International Association for Sports and Leisure Facilities
Architecture and Design Award
Concorsi di progettazione, di idee - Germania
Oggetto del bando:
International architecture awards for sports, leisure and recreational facilities
Finalità del concorso:
The goal of enhancing the human experience and appreciation of sports, leisure and recreation and the need to ensure equitable,dignifi ed and functional access to sport and leisure facilities are fundamental to the IOC, IPC and IAKS. This includes access for all citizens, regardless of their physical abilities, as well as the
protection of the environment through skilful design, material use and creativity.
Tipologia bando: 0100 - CONCORSI  > 0101 - Concorsi di progettazione, di idee
Procedura: a partecipazione aperta
inserito il 20/02/2013
Data scadenza iscrizione:30/04/2013
Data consegna elaborati: 30/04/2013
Requisiti di partecipazione:
This award aims at young architects and designers currently studying architecture, landscape architecture, interior design and general design, and at young professionals in their first 2years of professional practice. All participants must be under the age of 30 years.
Students must have completed their basic courses or passed their intermediate diploma examinations or obtained their B.A. degrees. Young professionals must have been born after 1st January 1983.
Elaborati Richiesti:
All documents have to be submitted in digital form (Email or CD with jpg, pdf or tif fi les, minimum resolution of 300 dpi):
• Documentation of design concept and ideas / explanation report (Pages 1 to 3)
• Site plan, scale 1:1,000, landscape format
• Floor plans, sections, elevations, scale 1:200, landscape format
• Details depending on the design, landscape format
• Perspectives, pictograms, explanations, landscape format
A composition of all submitted plans will have to fit in one panel measuring 1.60/1.00 m (h/w).
The awards will include a fi nancial compensation as stated hereby:
· Gold: 1.000 Euros
· Silver: 500 Euros
· Bronze: 300 Euros
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