Oggetto del bando:
Urban-promogiovani is carried out within the cultural event Urbanpromo, promoted by the INU, Istituto Nazionale di Urbanistica. Urban-promogiovani is a free competition open to all students from any University worldwide, taking Urban Design and Planning courses, and is aimed at sharing ideas and enhancing skills across the future professionals operating in the field of urban regeneration.
Finalità del concorso:
The project proposals should refer to an integrated and innovative urban regeneration project for a real area. Attention should be given to how the area is related to its surroundings. The project proposal should be related to the 2014 key topics of Urbanpromo, that are: urban transformation, urban marketing, smart cities, sustainable energy, social housing. The selection of the area can be made according to the course case-project.
a partecipazione aperta
inserito il
Data scadenza iscrizione:10/10/2014
Data consegna elaborati:
Awards will consist of:
On-line evaluation
- 1° classified: 1000€- equivalent in books, to be spent as vouchers in web-libraries + dissemination of the project through the media partners of Urbanpromo
- 2° classified: 500€- equivalent in books, to be spent as vouchers in web-libraries + dissemination of the project through the media partners of Urbanpromo
International Jury evaluation
- 1° classified: 1000€- equivalent in books, to be spent as vouchers in web-libraries + dissemination of the project through the media partners of Urbanpromo
- 2° classified: 500€- equivalent in books, to be spent as vouchers in web-libraries + dissemination of the project through the media partners of Urbanpromo
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Concorsi di progettazione, di idee attivi - 19