Oggetto del bando:
The European Parliament is organising an international architecture competition to revive its Paul-Henri Spaak building, which is the main parliament building at its workplace in Brussels; — the building houses the plenary as well as facilities for parliamentary committees and trialogues, as well as a visitors’ centre; — the solutions considered to revive the building can range from a major renovation to complete reconstruction; — the future building must be integrated and linked to its urban, natural and social environment; — the European Parliament is the heart of the European democracy; ...
a partecipazione ristretta
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Data scadenza iscrizione:09/07/2020
Data consegna elaborati:
Elaborati Richiesti:
1° classificato: 120.000 euro
2° classificato: 100.000 euro
3° classificato: 80.000 euro
4° classificato: 60.000 euro
5° classificato: 40.000 euro
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