Presentation of EU Galaxy |
5th summit of Cities and Regions |
COPENAGHEN, venerdì 23 marzo 2012
In the framework of the 5th European Summit of Regions and Cities, The European Forum for Architectural Policies is pleased to invite you to a presentation of EU Galaxy, by major architect Prof. Winy Maas (MVRDV), in discussion with Ms. Mercedes Bresso, president of the Committee of the Regions, and the participants to the summit.
Prior the meeting , there is a lounge buffet at Royal Radisson Blu, that was designed by famous Danish architect and designer Arne Jacobsen.
The European Forum for Architectural Policies is the comprehensive network to foster and support architectural policies in Europe, bridging public governance, profession and culture.
EFAP aims to:
- Promote the importance of architecture and spatial planning for the quality of life.
- Support initiatives, policies and legislation to create conditions for a better and sustainable quality of architecture, for cities and landscapes, for current and future generations.
- Identify innovative approaches in architecture and urban planning that reflect on changing living and working conditions such as mobility, demography, social cohesion and civic involvement.
- Connect institutions and individuals advocating the importance of architecture and architectural policies.
- Disseminate knowledge and best practice through experts meetings, public events and publications. -Convince policy-makers in Europe and the member states to have architecture play an experimental, integrating and innovative role in sustainable development, in private procurement and public commissions.
- Promote making allowance for architecture in all relevant European policies, especially research, social cohesion, sustainable development, culture and education.
- Provide assistance and expertise to countries that are developing architectural policies.
The European Forum for Architectural Policies brings together:
- representatives of authorities (for example ministries or public services),
- cultural institutions (architecture museums, research institutes and comparable establishments) or
- professional organisations of architects in the widest sense of the word,
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Rue de l’Ermitage 55
B - 1050 Brussels
tel. +32 2 642 2483
[email protected]
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www.efap-fepa.eu |
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