Per creare nuova bellezza, Valcucine ritiene necessario un matrimonio tra industria e artigianato.
Nello spazio Valcucine Brera, durante la Milano Design Week, si potrà fare esperienza diretta di quegli elementi che, da sempre, dettano e caratterizzano fortemente il DNA di Valcucine: l’artigianalità delle lavorazioni, l’informazione che accompagna la trasparenza aziendale, la ricerca e l’analisi di materiali di qualità.
Alcuni dei maestri artigiani di Valcucine daranno vita ad un vero e proprio workshop, realizzando dal vivo intarsi, mosaici ed intagli. Accanto all’artigianalità, la tecnologia: i tecnici di prodotto condivideranno le prove, gli accorgimenti e tutti i segreti che rendono i prodotti Valcucine assolutamente resistenti ed affidabili negli anni, garantendone una lunga durata di vita.
Nel basement dello showroom, un’intera parete sensoriale di 6 metri racconterà, attraverso la riscoperta del senso del tatto, la qualità dei materiali, l’ergonomia, le innovazioni e le soluzioni progettuali di Valcucine.
To create new beauty capable of emerging from the grey world of standardized products and prolonging the aesthetic life of a product, Valcucine believes it necessary to form an alliance between industry and craftsmanship.
In the Valcucine Brera space during the Milan Design Week it will be possible to enjoy a direct experience of the elements that have always strongly distinguished Valcucine’s DNA: the handicraft expertise of the workmanship, the information that accompanies the company’s transparency, the research and analysis into materials and quality.
The rigorous, minimalist, ergonomic design attentive to eco-sustainability lives in perfect harmony with natural materials and with precious handicraft workmanship: the glass inlays of Artematica Vitrum Arte, the carvings, the mosaics, the bushhammering of the stone surfaces, the glass polishing and the wood inlays of SineTempore are all tangible examples of this.
During the design week at the showroom in Milan some of Valcucine’s master craftsmen will set up a real workshop in which they will show how they create inlays, mosaics and carvings.
Technology and craftsmanship together: in fact, product technicians will share the tests, the special attention and all the secrets that make Valcucine’s products fully resistant and reliable as years go by, guaranteeing their long life.
It will be possible to watch some tests that show the advantages and disadvantages of some of the materials that are commonly used to make a kitchen, in a completely transparent way.
Moreover, going against the tide of the prevailing image society, an entire 6-metres long sensorial panel will be set up in the basement of the showroom to tell about, by rediscovering the sense of touch, the quality of materials, ergonomics, innovations and Valcucine's design solutions.