

Cucine Monoblocco_ Nuovo Catalogo

Premio Mies van der Rohe 2019: due italiani selezionati
L'M9 Museum District a Mestre e l'HQ Prada Valvigna
Autore: cecilia di marzo
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21/01/2019 - La Commissione Europea e la Fundació Mies van der Rohe hanno annunciato le 40 opere selezionate in gara per il Premio dell'Unione europea 2019 per l'Architettura Contemporanea – Mies van der Rohe. 

La Giuria - composta da Dorte Mandrup, George Arbid, Angelika Fitz, Stefan Ghenciulescu, Kamiel Klaasse, María Langarita e Frank McDonald - si è riunita per tre giorni a Barcellona per discutere le sfide più rilevanti che la società europea contemporanea e la sua architettura stanno affrontando.

Due sono i progetti selezionati costruiti in Italia: M9 Museum District di Sauerbruch Hutton a Mestre e l'HQ Prada Valvigna ad Arezzo di Canali associati s.r.l.

383 opere sono state nominate al premio e la giuria di esperti ha stilato la lista finale. Le 40 opere selezionate sono:

- Skanderbeg Square, Tirana by 51N4E, Plant en Houtgoed, Anri Sala, iRI

- House of Music Innsbruck, by Erich Strolz, Dietrich | Untertrifaller Architekten

- Aspern Federal School, Vienna by fasch&fuchs.architekten

- Performative Brise- Soleil, Vienna by StudioVlayStreeruwitz

- Residential care center KAPELLEVELD, Ternat by architecten de vylder vinck taillieu

- PC CARITAS, Melle by architecten de vylder vinck taillieu

- Ryhove Urban Factory, Ghent by Trans

- De Krook library, Ghent by Coussée & Goris architecten, RCR Arquitectes

- Residential and studio building at the former Berlin flower market by Ifau, HEIDE & VON BECKERATH

- Terracehouse Berlin by Brandlhuber+ Emde, Burlon, Muck Petzet Architekten

- Streetmekka Viborg by EFFEKT

- Hammershus Visitors Centre by Arkitema Architects, Christoffer Harlang

LEGO® House – Home of the Brick, Billund by BIG - Bjarke Ingels Group

- Arvo Pärt centre, Laulasmaa by Nieto Sobejano Arquitectos

Life Reusing Posidonia/ 14 social dwellings in Sant Ferran, Formentera, Formentera by IBAVI

Civic Centre Lleialtat Santsenca 1214, Barcelona by HARQUITECTES

- Plasencia Auditorium and Congress Centre by selgascano


- House 1413, Ullastret by HARQUITECTES

- Solo House, Matarranya by Kersten Geers David Van Severen

Oodi - Helsinki Central Library by ALA Architects Ltd.

- The Perret Hall - Cultural Centre, Montataire by Atelier d'architecture Pierre Hebbelinck, HBAAT - HELEEN HART — MATHIEU BERTELOOT

Musée d’arts à Nantes, Nantes by Stanton Williams Architects

- E26 (school refectory), Montbrun-Bocage by BAST

- 'Théodore Gouvy’ Theatre in Freyming-Merlebach by Dominique Coulon et associés

- Transformation of 530 dwellings - Grand Parc Bordeaux  by Frédéric Druot Architecture, Lacaton & Vassal architectes, Christophe Hutin Architecture


- Lafayette Anticipations, Paris by O.M.A.

- St. Mary's Medieval Mile Museum, Kilkenny by McCullough Mulvin Architects

- 14 Henrietta Street, Dublin by Shaffrey Architects

M9 Museum District, Venice by Sauerbruch Hutton

Prada Valvigna, productive headquarter, Arezzo by Canali associati s.r.l.

- Musis Sacrum, Arnhem by van Dongen – Koschuch Architects and Planners

- Visitor center park Vijversburg, Leeuwarden by STUDIO MAKS with the collaboration of Junya Ishigami & Ass.

- Silesia University's Radio and Television department, Katowice by BAAS arquitectura, Grupa 5 Architekci, Maleccy Biuro Projektowe

Lisbon Cruise Terminal by Carrilho da Graça

- Restoration, refurbishment of the headquarters of the order of architects of Romania Bucharest branch Office by STARH - Birou de arhitectura (Florian & Iulia Stanciu)

- Occidentului 40, Bucharest by ADN Birou de Arhitectura

- Reconstruction of Museum of Contemporary Art, Belgrade by nooto, Dejan Todorovic architect

The Mill - Adaptation of the former factory Mlynica, Bratislava by GutGut.

Tra le 40 opere selezionate, gli edifici correlati alla Cultura sono i più numerosi con 15 progetti (musei, centri culturali, teatri e un auditorio/centro congressi). Ci sono altri 6 progetti che rappresentano strutture per l’Istruzione (scuole, strutture universitarie e biblioteche); 5 opere per gli Alloggi collettivi; 3 per gli edifici a Uso misto; 2 per gli Edifici industriali e 2 per le Abitazioni private; 1 edificio per la tipologia Salute, 1 per le Infrastrutture, 1 per l’Ufficio, 1 per il Welfare sociale, 1 per Sport & Tempo libero, e 1 per la Pianificazione urbanistica.

I cinque finalisti saranno annunciati il 13 febbraio. La cerimonia di premiazione si terrà il 7 maggio 2019 nel Padiglione Mies van der Rohe di Barcellona insieme a conferenze, dibattiti e all’inaugurazione dell’esposizione.

  Scheda progetto: M9 Museum District
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Alessandra Chemollo © Polymnia Venezia
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Alessandra Chemollo © Polymnia Venezia
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Alessandra Chemollo © Polymnia Venezia
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Alessandra Chemollo © Polymnia Venezia
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Alessandra Chemollo © Polymnia Venezia
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Alessandra Chemollo © Polymnia Venezia
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Alessandra Chemollo © Polymnia Venezia
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Alessandra Chemollo © Polymnia Venezia
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Alessandra Chemollo © Polymnia Venezia
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  Scheda progetto: Prada Valvigna
Agostino Osio
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Agostino Osio
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Agostino Osio
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Agostino Osio
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Agostino Osio
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Agostino Osio
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Agostino Osio
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Agostino Osio
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Agostino Osio
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Agostino Osio
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Cucine Monoblocco_ Nuovo Catalogo
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