


I vincitori del concorso Castle Resort indetto da YAC
Complesso turistico-ricettivo eco-sostenibile nell’area del castello di Roccamandolfi
Autore: cecilia di marzo
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10/08/2017 - Sono stati annunciati a giugno i vincitori del concorso internazionale di idee Castle Resort indetto lo scorso novembre da YAC – Young Architects Competitions – e Marlegno s.r.l. in collaborazione con l’Agenzia del Demanio.

L’iniziativa si orientava alla progettazione di un complesso turistico-ricettivo eco-sostenibile nell’area del castello medievale di Roccamandolfi, in Molise.

La giuria ha visto la partecipazione di rinomate personalità del mondo dell’architettura come Eduardo Souto de Moura, Todd Saunders, Alain Laurens (co-fondatore de La Cabane Perchée), Giorgio Palmucci (Presidente dell’Associazione Italiana Confindustria Alberghi), Lamberto Mancini (Direttore Generale del Touring Club Italiano), Edoardo Maggini (Agenzia del Demanio), Giacomo Lombardi (Comune di Roccamandolfi), Elena Mucelli (Università di Bologna), Remo Capitanio (Capitanio Architetti).

Il concorso ha messo a disposizione un montepremi di € 20.000, assegnando € 10.000 al primo classificato, € 4.000 al secondo, € 2.000 al terzo e € 1.000 a ciascuna delle quattro menzioni d’onore “Gold”. In aggiunta, sono state assegnate 10 menzioni d’onore e 32 menzioni “finalista”.

Il 1° Premio è stato assegnato al progetto The Floating Hotel del team BsoD, composto da Elias Terzitta ed Eugenia Bordini (Italia):
“The purpose of the project was to propose the primitive shape of the house: open towards the landscape and concealed in the background. So, inspired by the shape of the tree, the cabin is supported by a structure that, lifting it from the ground, allows to integrate it and conceal it in the foliage of the tree. Another purpose was to operate in a non-invasive way to the pre-existings of the castle and at the same time we wanted to make it available to the customers of the hotel and visitors. Especially for this reason, it is expected an additional access through a ramp (provided with a panoramic view) which, ideally, recalls the design of the castle, and a pavement that makes the visit more comfortable besides a panoramic overhanging view”.

Il 2° Premio al progetto Sightline del team italiano RGB (Monica Bramanti, Stefano Gatti, Anna):
“Dealing with the inaccessible nature of this site, the project aspires to design a pathway made of elements molded into this stunning landscape, so that the users can reach the castle and the hotel cabins through a path into the nature. The architectural intervention was conceived as a thin thread that guides users from one amazing view to another, ending in a scenic route inside the castle’s ruins. The path establishes a connection with the castle, moreover it creates the condition to enjoy great panoramic views, it runs through viewing platform designed with a different ground and increases the number of the viewing pints towards the castle, the town, the natural scenarios all around”.

Il 3° Premio al progetto Rest del team italiano VITIA (Marco Testi e Sergio Vedovelli):
“This project tried to create a hidden time able to resist to the time of its use. Powerful basement are one of the main cores of the project strategy: now they are platforms covered by architectures, a place where guests can rest and enjoy the mountain; but time after time, like the castle lot of years ago, they will become abandoned and then ruins. Then these ruins will become the place to rest of shepherds and for all those people that want to climb the ancient Rocca. Formerly, they will become a part of the ruin’s landscape together with the Castle”.

Tutti i vincitori e menzionati sono visibili sul sito http://www.youngarchitectscompetitions.com/

  •   YAC annuncia i vincitori del concorso Castle Resort.pdf

  • 1° PREMIO Team: BSoD

    2° PREMIO Team: RGB

    3° PREMIO Team: VITIA

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